Have you ever wondered why people hurt each other? Why do wounded individuals perpetuate the cycle of pain?
This upcoming series of Exposé brings together 88 courageous voices from six continents, along with the expertise of psychologists, to break the cycle of abuse once and for all. Join us for the premiere of Feature Documentary ” Exposé – 88 stories that prove you can thrive after an abusive relationship ” on August 22 at 1 PM PST, 4 PM EST
, 10 PM CET
, August 23 at 6 AM AEST
Register for this FREE event here: 

This event is more than a viewing – it’s a transformative experience.
The premiere will start with a 90-minute feature documentary “Exposé – 88 stories that prove you can thrive after an abusive relationship “, which will be followed by the premiere of the 15- episodes.
Following the premiere, the next 15 episodes will delve deeper into specific topics.
Check out the list below for what’s coming:
1. Groomed: Exposing the Reality of Abusive Relationships
2. Exposing Toxic Love: All About Red Flags
3. Unmasking Abuse: Breaking the Silence
4. Unbroken: Exposing What It Takes to Leave the Abuse Cycle
5. Healed: Life After Abuse
6. From Pain to Power: Your Guide to Thriving Beyond Abuse
7. Healing The Body: Ways to Release Trauma
8. Beyond Thriving: Following the Life Force
9. Toxic Love: Why Do We Stay?
10. Stuck in the Middle: Understanding the Impact of Abuse on Children in Unhappy Relationships
11. Echoes of the Self: Journeys Beyond Narcissism
12. Evolving Love: Beyond the Old Paradigms
13. Rediscovering Love: Embracing Healthy Relationships After Leaving Abuse
14. Voices of Resilience: 88 Stories of Overcoming Trauma & Finding Strength in Thriving
15. Exposé Movement: Awakening Humanity Through Sharing Your Story
After the screening of the documentary, get ready for an engaging panel and Q&A session! You’ll have the chance to meet the featured Speakers and Experts, ask your questions, and interact with the brilliant minds. Join us live and be part of the conversation!
Let’s energetically break the circle of abuse once and for all!
Join Us in Person and Support This Great Cause!
Register for this FREE event here:
All the premieres are going to be FREE for Everyone.
Let’s break the cycle of abuse together through this series!